Bullet point bergen
bergen thoughts
beautiful place
the country looked to actually be functional unlike this one
oslo to bergen train one of the highlights of my life
the role of a festival
I had a small contribution to travel fees
is it fair for me to be there?
do I need to perform in bergen?
why was the festival allowing this open call?
to offer opportunities to unknown artists? to simply be inclusive?
the lack of connection between most of the artists works were jarring
should there be a theme or connection?
is having 39 different performances happening at once helpful for each performer?
worries about work about sound against work against political/ethic issues
is a work about sound more valuable than a work that raises issues about the environment?
is a work about sound equatable in
travelling as an artist
I said to my neighbour I was going on holiday
was I embarrassed?
being calm on public transport
the train isn’t going to leave without you once you are on it regardless if you are sitting
the plane isn’t going to leave without once you are on it regardless if you are sitting
extremely grateful for art’s existence so insignificant me can travel and perform art
extremely grateful for Aaron Moorehouse’s existence so I could collaborate with him
travelling as an northern irishman
always referring to myself as Irish
always explaining that I live/work/study in Birmingham but not from there
never getting into political discussions as a result
not really my identity?
I really need to learn a second language
highlights of other peoples work/ and the festival
Alexandra Bischoff
uncanny boredom
Bianca Hisee
unsettled balancing
PAB open session
twine and tongues
Pavana Reid
hypnotic and grave
Lykourgos Porfyris
tunes for days
Tanjan Silvestrini - but my polyester heart still longs for something else
Unsettling and charmingly funny
Tina Marian Krogh Madsen and Malte Stein
similar to Aaron’s piece! But really mediated and lovely to experience